Chemistry Temple - where Buddha's legs are

Location: Bishan

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Advertisement from RJC Club Alchemy


Here's a good lobang brought to you by the RJC Club Alchemy:

Is RJC life coming down hard on you? Are Chemistry Lecture tests approaching soon? Is chemistry mystifying to you? Fret not, for Club Alchemy has the solution.

As a new initiative by Club Alchemy, we will be sending out an ABSOLUTELY FREE e-newsletter RIGHT TO YOUR EMAIL once every 2 weeks. The e-newsletter package will contain, Condensed chemistry lecture notes for the last minute revisions, Tutorials from other schools, past year papers for more practice and worked solutions will be provided! There will also be chemistry trivia and other alchemy stuff for those who are interested (:

If you would like MORE chemistry practice and MORE tips and tricks on how to improve your chemistry. Please subscribe by sending your NAME, CLASS and EMAIL to

If all goes well, the first issue will hit you just in time for some lecture test mugging (:


adopt your own virtual pet!