Chemistry Temple - where Buddha's legs are

Location: Bishan

Saturday, June 16, 2007

File Check Schedule

Dear all,

Hi. Please be informed that there is be a file check when school reopens. The schedule is as follows:

Week 1 Fri : 4A
Week 2 Wed : 4Q
Week 2 Fri : 4C
Week 3 Wed : 4p
Week 3 Fri : 4I
Week 4 Wed: 4J

When submitting your file, please ensure that:
1. Contents page is updated (Class Reps: Please send out an updated contents page to your classmates)
2. All materials are filed. (Use the contents page given by your Chem reps as a guide.)

3. Corrections are ALL done. (In the previous file check, some of you did not do your corrections.)

Have a good time filing!
Picture taken from:


Saturday, June 09, 2007

National Chemistry Week

Yoz, Everybody,

Hope your holidays have been well spent - resting and mugging.

If you are bored and have nothing to do, here's a piece of good news for you:

The inaugural National Chemistry Week is coming soon!!

When? 16-24 Jun 2007

What? Competitions, exhibitions, courses and more. Refer to this for more details:

Where? Various places, e.g. Science centre, NUS, etc.

If nothing interests you, maybe this will: THE AMAZING CHEMISTRY RACE.

"You do not have to eat half cooked ostrich egg with two dozen of chicken eggs nor do you have to paraglide in tandem with an instructor off the 5,000-foot mountain. In the Amazing Chemistry Race, you only need to stay focused and dynamic! We will bring experiments and apparatus out of the laboratory and prove that you can learn about chemistry even when you are in a race!" (extracted from NCW brochure)

To sign up, download the registration form which could be found at the above url and email to the person-in-charge. See you there!

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Saturday, June 02, 2007

Chemists Strike Gold...

... with new gold catalysts.

It is related to our latest topic on Kinetics. And for those who are interested to find out why Gold is golden in colour, read it too.

On a more light hearted note:

Source: Unknown.

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